(no subject)

Jan 24, 2006 16:47

Someone stole my bike out of the yard sometime over the past few days. How irritating. At least they took the normal bike, not the recumbant and trailer. The most irritating thing is that it had my decent lock (which wasn't in use - I'd intended to put it back on the other bike but forgot) and expensive seat on it.

I'm half hoping I'll find it abandoned somewhere nearby. It's a 3 speed (and I'm pretty sure two of the speeds don't actually work) with coaster breaks, and I can imagine someone discovering what a pain it is and just dropping it.

I shouldn't have gotten another book at the library today. Now I want to read it, even though I'm in the middle of three others. One of those (The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini) was a Christmas present, and it's just a little too depressing to be top priority. Two are library books that are due in a week or two. Of the library books, one (Waifs and Strays by Charles de Lint) is a bunch of short stories that should go pretty fast once I start reading it again, and the other (The Protector's War by S.M. Stirling) is one I want to read in theory - it's the second in a series, and I enjoyed the first book, but I'm having a hard time getting into it. I'm hoping it will get easier once I get past the first chapter and back to familiar characters. The new one (Goodnight Nobody by Jennifer Weiner) is brain candy mommyfic that I know I'll enjoy and get through within a day or two. I feel bad shoving it to the head of the queue, though. Especially since it isn't due for three weeks.

I suppose I'll keep plodding on The Protector's War for another chapter or two, and switch if it doesn't get better.

I think Leif is sick. I just asked him if he wanted to go out to the toy store and for ice cream, and he said no.

books, bikes, illness

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