(no subject)

Nov 30, 2005 23:10

I was running late getting Leif's to his watcher's house before aikido today, and was sure class was going to have already started by the time I got there, but everyone else was running late too. Yay!

Something worked right. Usually when I do rolls, it hurts a little. Today it didn't. I don't know if I was doing something different, or if Thanksgiving and Leif's unfortunate choice of potty spot gave me the break I needed in order to heal.

During on move, the senior student was having trouble getting me to go the correct way, and asked if I was double jointed. It turns out I am in that particular respect. I was amused that it was that obvious.

One time in 9th grade biology class, we were talking about freaky body tricks. One involved bending your thumb backwards towards your wrist. I was sitting next to a friend. We both tried it, and were showing eachother how it was no big deal, when we noticed the rest of the class staring at us.

I can't actually bend my thumb backwards to touch my wrist anymore, but it does go pretty far back.

The weather in Davis is finally damp, chilly and wintery. Well, chilly and wintery for Davis, anyways. I spend my time thinking that I'm a Southern California wimp who only likes temperatures between 65 and 80 degrees, and always forget that I actually really *like* this weather. I like wearing comfy long sleeved shirts. I like wearing lots of layers and being warm all over except for my face (and anything else that happens to be exposed). I like being able to wear my fuzzy wool socks.

I like mild weather, too, but overall I much prefer cold to hot. In fact, I prefer cold to can't-make-up-it's-mind-slightly-chilly.

I don't like that it's near impossible to dry laundry, however.

martial arts, body, weather

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