(no subject)

Nov 28, 2005 00:00

Our thermostat is broken, at least for the heat side of things. Last time I tried with the AC, it worked properly, but the heater just stays on all the time, no matter how low we set it.

I don't like this. I worry that it's a fire hazard, and I don't like running up our landpeople's utility bill (our utilities are included in our rent). It's also not comfortable physically - not because it's too hot, but because it makes the air dry. We all sleep badly, and Leif and I sleep in too late because it's harder to wake up when you're dehydrated.

We might be able to get away with one of the small area heaters we had on the boat, especially for nighttime. I can't imagine it would use more electricity, and the thermostat would work so we wouldn't have to run it constantly.

Saw Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire today. It was good, but I was MST3King it the whole way through. Perhaps I'm just getting too old. Want to see RENT now. koyote said many times that he had no interest in going, but then said the other day that he didn't want me to tell him anything about it because, if I did, he probably would be interested, and it's more likely that I'll get to go on my own than that we'll be able to go together. But I don't want to go alone *pout*.

Anyone local want to go see it (and if you're reading this entry, yes, this means you), probably next Friday night or Saturday?

I feel like begging for attention. Comment here (about whatever you want, not necessarily the entry content).

media, angst, weather

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