(no subject)

Sep 22, 2005 16:28

I've become a little obsessed with the idea of avocado as dessert. I don't actually really like avocados. Guacamole - yes, plain avocado - no. Many cultures swear by it though, so there must be something to it.

I made an avocado smoothie today, and it was alright. The texture was pretty amazing, but neither koyote or I could quite get past the flavor. He felt it really needed to be savory, with more salt. I wondered what it would have been like with a little added sweetener rather than just fruit (I threw in the last little bits of Leif's green juice, some kiwis, and some orange juice).

It may have been a little too much, though. I'm left feeling slightly nauseous. I'm not sure how much off that is psychological and how much is because avocados are rich.

I found a recipe for an avacado-lime pie which is supposedly indistinguishable from ordinary key lime pie. Interesting.

I'm similarly fascinated with the concept of eggplant as dessert, but have yet to try it, (and may not, as there is a lot less prior art). Baba ganoush seems made for dessertification, texturewise anyways.

I hope Leif wakes up soon so he'll sleep at a reasonable time tonight. He's been out for 3.5 hours now, and goes back to sleep every time he wakes briefly. Next time he gets up, perhaps I'll just drag him outside.

I'm not sure how I feel about LJ's new school directory function. I've added myself, but don't know if I'll leave myself there.

sleep, school, recipe, food, leif

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