(no subject)

Sep 10, 2005 22:29

I've been going through iPhoto all evening, getting pictures posted, organizing, and so forth.

I have 4043 pictures, taking up over 4GB of disk space. Probably well over 3000 of these are of Leif.

My eventual goal is to take the best pictures, stick them into a PDF, upload them to Lulu, and then order printed copies for myself and as family Christmas presents. In theory, it should actually be cheaper than regular scrapbooking. I just have to actually get around to doing it.

I also need to go through and delete blurry shots, very similar shots of the same pose, and so forth.

The only problem is that this task gets more daunting with each picture we take.

I just get nervous about having all our pictures digital, even though intellectually I know that it's a lot safer than having only hardcopies. I mean, with under an hour's effort (and most of that devoted to learning how to work our DVD burner) and $10, I can send backup copies of the entire collection to multiple locations anywhere in the world. I have backups through February in multiple places already (actually, it's possible they all ended up here during the move. Must remedy that). But I'd still feel better having some printed copies anyways.

Leif fell asleep at 5:30PM today, and has basically been out since. He wasn't willing to stay awake another moment longer. I really hope that by some miracle he's able to sleep until a semi-reasonable hour. 6:30AM would be tolerable - I've been waking up around then anyways. I can always hope.

It's always weird listening to music you haven't bothered listening to in ages and suddenly having a very vivid flashback to another time listening to it. In this case, the DC Undernet Opermeet in 1999. How random. (Even stranger, I'm not 100% sure I even had this particular CD along on that trip.)

sleep, pictures, music, subconscious, leif

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