(no subject)

Mar 27, 2004 23:54

I just went geocaching! At 11:00PM! Yay!

We recently sold our old GPS (since we sold the visor that it went along with) and bought one that a friend was selling, which reminded me that geocaching existed. I was poking around on geocaching.com and discovered there was a moving cache in the parking lot a block away from our house.

Since it might move before morning, I decided to go find it right then and there.

Unfortunately, someone had already found it and moved it. The site just hadn't updated yet. Oh well. Finding the cache was kind of beside the point - I can't remember the last time I walked around alone at night, at least when it was warm enough to wear short sleeves.

We have a cat problem. We leave the door of the bedroom open so that we can hear Leif or he can come find us if he wakes up. This means the cats can come in. Jenna is currently curled up next to his head.

We tried to go to a meetup in Falls Church today, which ended up being a bust. For some reason, it was in this used bookstore, which was a great used bookstore, but a very poor place for people to meet, since it was jam packed with books. Not that we actually saw anyone who looked like they were doing anything other than buying books.

It was fun, though. They were having a half price sale (oooh, dangerous), and I stumbled across a book I've been looking for but couldn't find since I didn't know the title or author.

We also went to a rather creepy thrift shop. I was hoping to find some clothing for Leif, but there was nothing even halfway decent. Everything looked at least 20 years old. You'd think that thrift shops would be flooded with tons of decent baby clothing, since they grow out of it so fast, but they aren't. I guess the nice stuff gets ebayed or grabbed up right away.

The whole shop was creepy, though, not just the baby clothing section. I'm not sure what it was, but it wasn't helped by the salespeople suddenly shoving everyone out the door five minutes after we got there.

For my last birthday, my mom and stepdad gave me a gift certificate to an Indian restaurant. As luck would have it, it was just down the street from the bookstore, so we went there for dinner. Great food, but Leif was awful. Not really his fault - he hadn't had a good nap or eat in a while (he gets too distracted to nurse in public now unless he's very tired or very hungry). We ended up taking turns walking him around.

Then we went to Baskin Robbins, where he ate a whole banana. How the heck does a baby fit a whole banana in his stomach?

He slept the whole way home on the bus, and then I went geocaching.

books, geocaching, cats, food

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