(no subject)

Mar 20, 2004 22:59

I posted sometime back before Leif was born about a mailing list friend who was also pregnant whose baby had died. She got pregnant again, and they discovered that this time, there is an umbilical cord abnormality (Only one artery. There are normally two. This happens sometimes, and doesn't necessarily mean anything bad, though it can cause some problems or be a symptom of chromosomal problems). She was scheduled for an more in-depth ultrasound on Tuesday, and we haven't received an update yet. I'm worried.

We made Leif a little bed on the floor, so that he'd have somewhere to sleep when we aren't in bed with him. Our bed is high, and it's too easy for him to fall. The first night we tried it, he woke up after about half an hour and refused to be put down the rest of the night. That was the start of his cold. Now that he's doing better, we tried again. He did pretty well tonight, staying asleep for about 2.5 hours, and then going back to sleep quickly when I came in. It's entirely possible he wouldn't have really woken up at all if I hadn't come in when he was wiggling around but not quite awake.

I just switched web browsers, from Camino to FireFox, after noticing that it seemed faster and is less buggy. I managed to get my bookmarks imported after a bit of trouble, but now they're set up better than they were before. Yay! Such excitement!

I need to upload a bunch of pictures. It's one of those things where the more behind I get, the less I feel like doing it because there's more to do.

Tomorrow we have to go back to Barnes&Noble so that I can finish What Janie Found by Caroline Cooney. I read the first book in the series (The Face on the Milkcarton) when I was in... gad, 6th grade or something. I decided I might as well go ahead and read it since I've read the others, and I needed something quick and brain-dead. I finished about half.

My life must be boring you all to death. Why am I even bothering to write this?

sleep, books, geek, death, leif

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