where to live?

Feb 04, 2001 15:29

Original: http://www.kuro5hin.org/story/2001/2/4/172939/1343

Until yesterday, I'd assumed I was moving out of this house come summer. Now I'm rethinking that...

Since I moved into this house, I've known that my roommates are only staying here till the lease ends in July. I'd assumed this whole time that I'd be moving out at the same time, but yesterday they brought up the idea that I could stay here. Its definetely an idea.

On the good side, this house is in a great location. It's half a block from the grocery store, drug store, and various food places, as well as the 2 bus lines I consider most important, and one that goes to campus. It's also reasonable walking distance from downtown/campus and the library. It's within DSL range (obviously, since we have DSL right now). The yard has potential, though we haven't done a thing with it, being rather unwilling to put much work into a house we're planning on moving out of. I'd be able to move into the master bedroom and have my own bathroom. I know that there won't be any problems with keeping my cats here. And perhaps most appealing, I wouldn't have to go through the hassle of tracking down a place to live and moving again.

On the downside, rent would go up since currently there are four people, and I suspect I'd only find one person to take the place of the couple who are currently sharing a bedroom. Combined with the increasing cost of utilities, it might actually be worth it to move into a modern, decently wired and insulated, apartment/house/whatever. Proximity to the bus lines/grocery store will hopefully decrease in importance by the time I move out (I'll hopefully get around to getting my license before then). And really, the house just kinda sucks. There's about 3 plugs in the whole place that are grounded, and those are in the garage, the bathroom is falling apart, it's poorly insulated, with relativly ineffective heating and AC, the yard is a mess, and the rental agency is pretty awful.

The house also doesn't have some of the nice little things that a lot of the apartment complexes do, like swimming pools and exercise rooms and other silly things like that which sound terribly appealing but which I'd probably never use anyways.

I was talking to a friend online last night, and randomly asked if she wanted to move to Davis and be my roomy. She actually sounds somewhat interested. Which puts me in a weird spot, because we've never even met eachother, and I don't usually go offering to move in with people I meet online without actually getting to know them in real life first. But really, is moving in with some random person looking for a roommate in the classifieds or on the housing newsgroup any better? And I'd have no hesitations about doing that. So why does the thought of moving in with someone who I don't know in real life, but already know I get along with well on a mental level, disturb me at all?

Classes seem to be going well enough, though the schedule makes Thurs - Sat hell (Class Thursday and Friday night, and a lab from 8:30 - 11 Saturday morning, which means I have to get up at 6:30 to catch the bus). I think I'll take another 3 or 4 units next semester. Just not on both Friday night and Saturday morning again. I ended up not taking math at all, and taking Early Childhood Education - The Exceptional Child and the first required CIS class instead. The CIS class is an odd mix of basic computer stuff and programming. I really wish they'd shove the basic stuff off into a different class, as it's complete review for about half the class, and the other half is struggling with it. The class is a lot more writing intensive than I thought it would be. Between these two classes, I've ended up doing more schoolwork in the first 3 weeks of this semester than I have in the past 2 years or so. And I'm handling it alright. Perhaps I've just settled down enough to do school now, though I still don't think I would want to go to school primarily instead of working primarily.

The CIS teacher is picking on me - asking me questions when no one else volunteers the answer. I feel like I'm back in high school or something. I'm trying to figure out why this is - is it because he truly thinks I know the answer, or because I come across as arrogant and he's trying to put me in my place? Or what? In most CS classes, I'd assume it was because I'm female. But this class is approx. 1/3 female, and he doesn't pick on the others.

Now my friend is telling me about my ex's sex life. Just what I wanted to know. Seriously, why does he feel the need to tell me these things? Its really not something I want to hear about. For the most part I'm over the guy, and doubt I'd date him again given the opporunity, but I still don't like it that he's turned around and found someone better than me so fast. So I'm hoping that he breaks up with her soon, in which case I'll feel vindicated and a lot less personally responsible for the breakup.

And as this diary entry is deteriorating into nothingness (which is, of course, assuming that it was something in the first place), I think I should end it and go to the store to find something to eat.

k5, relationships, school, home

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