Dedicated to Ebony

Dec 10, 2000 02:26


I guess 18 emails over the course of 4 hours indicates some level of interest...

Been emailing back and forth with someone all evening. Not really sure exactly what this indicates. Not sure what I want it to indicate.

I'm just getting over a rather awful relationship, and feeling rather mistrustful of relationships in general. My parents, who's relationship was (up till about 9 months ago) my idea of a great relationship and wonderful marriage, are in the process of divorcing.

So I don't particularly feel like getting involved with someone, at least not till I've had a bit more of a chance to sort out my feelings about relationships.

Then again, I may just be reading entirely too much into this. It's happened before.

My parents' divorce is final on Christmas day, of all days. What idiotic days beurocracies can pick... Anyway, that's why I'm less than enthused about the holidays this year.

I ordered my tickets to go back to the house where I grew up (can I really call it home? But calling it my Dad's house or something seems wrong, too). Dec. 28 - Jan. 7. My dad is fine with me not coming home - he isn't really in the holiday spirit either this year. But my mom isn't terribly happy about it, which is odd, since I wasn't going to spend Christmas day with her anyways. So what does a few days difference in the direction of the visit make any difference to her? I think she just had an idea in her head of how things would go, and I went and ruined it. Oh well. Guess that's just one of those things you have to live with when you go and break up your family...

CDnow carried the nose-face group. It's now being shipped and should be here within a few days. Yay! At least one member of my family will get a meaningful present. In case anyone happens to care (which I'm sure no one does, but you might be as bored as I am, so what the heck..), here's another nose-face picture. This one is slightly less grinchy than the other one I posted.

My roommate's cat keeps jumping up to sit on my lap. She's a beautiful black cat with yellow eyes naed Ebony. She kind of stinks, though, and is jealous of the keyboard, because when I'm typing I don't pay enough attention to her, or something. I always feel guilty when I'm paying attention to her instead of my own cats - but they aren't allowed in the office (well, the converted garage :) because they love to destroy everything they touch. Ebby doesn't, and therefor gets to sit on my lap while I type.

Cats are nice. In my next life, I want to be a cat.

k5, relationships, huh?, cats, crush

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