Aug 30, 2001 01:24
So I'm reading along on the friends page of someone who doesn't know me, and see a reference to Wil Wheaton's autoresponder.
This indicates 3 possibilities to me. 1. typical net wildfire memetic distribution; we both heard about his page from separate sources. 2. this person has read my entry where I mention his website. 3. secondhand knowledge - one of the people we mutually know read my entry or heard me babble about it on IRC and passed on the address. Or some other variation of one of these three.
Option 1 is really the most sensible, but it does lead me to wonder who exactly is reading this.
Not that it really matters. If I don't want random second-degree acquaintance type people reading stuff, I just won't post it publicly.
Anyways, if you're reading this, and I don't know you're reading it, or I don't know you at all, or something, feel free to email me or comment or whatever. Or not. I'm more interested in a statistical sampling than exact details about who is reading it :)
Of course, now I'm feeling guilty about reading the journals of people who are not aware that I am. Is it better to email them and possibly freak them out, or just continue being a voyeur? Would they rather know or not know? I can't even answer these questions for myself, really. There are some freaky stalker type persons who, if they are reading this, I'd really rather not know.
Caffeine at night sucks, btw. My stomach is hyperly bouncing around, while the rest of me feels sleepy. At least my heart has stopped beating overly fast.
My upstairs neighbors seem to also be randomly bouncing around. I swear, I've never heard people who walk so loudly.
Is it just my imagination, or does the end of Shoebox (on Born on a Pirate Ship, by BNL) sound a whole lot like Camera One by the Josh Joplin Group? I haven't heard the latter recently enough to be certain.
Must sleep. It would be bad to be overly tired tomorrow.
I really want to write up the thoughts about phonics vs. holistic teaching methods that I had while walking home. That's so much more interesting than sleep, but sleep is really more necessary at this point. Hopefully by writing this here, I'll remember to write it later.
pusher robots,