I'm feeling very tired after a very unproductive weekend. I'm calming myself with Tannis, yet that too frustrates me because I want the songs done yet I feel musically hung out to dry at the moment.
tangled_fortune's characters song is really eerie yet forlorn, I'm really liking it. She's going to sound awesome over it - hope you will like it Jean. So much to do yet. Not enough music, drawing, writing. Definately not enough paid work this and last week! The bastards - give me money! lol. And when the busy period at work starts, is when I won't need the money, though there is always more equipment to purchase (which is why I"m in a financial predicament at the moment, keyboard.)
I don't know what to do, maybe go to bed early. Maybe clean the house (again). I can't wait til this month is over, it's torturous.