I guess I talk too much

Nov 28, 2008 16:42

Created by OnePlusYou - Free Online Dating

I took a blog verbosity test to see if I do indeed talk way too much in the blog-o-sphere. Apparently I do. For being 6% over the average blog length, I find it humbling. Okay, I shouldn't be humbled in the sense that I don't just talk a lot in real life, but in blog life too. Wow, but really, I don't care. 6% isn't exponential and it never will be.

Oh Thanksgiving. A holiday where I stuff my face and then get massively disappointed because I cannot move after all that eating. Surprisingly that was not the case this Thanksgiving since I planned ahead and decided why not run 6.2 miles in the morning so when I stuff my face, I don't feel so guilty. Didn't feel guilty and I could move after eating.

Turkey Trotted yesterday. Lots of fun. I think I found Waldo 30 times! That is the best success rate ever. Also happened to literally run into a few people I knew. Now that's just weird when someone behind you just starts shouting your name. I wonder "who is this? how do they know me?!" and I always turn around and I am always thoroughly surprised to see who is shouting my name. 10K time = 1:01:24. Go Ange and Holly.

More updates later. I really should be doing some HW.

turkey trot, thanksgiving, blog rating

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