Sep 13, 2008 16:52
I was supposed to wake up and go for a 5 mile run today. Yeah, didn't happen. It looked like the sky was dumping buckets of water. Normally I'm all gung-ho for running in the rain, but it just wasn't happening. And it happened with yesterday too. Argh.. now I'm 2 days behind in training. This is ridiculous. Stupid rain, but hey, at least my allergies are gone. That I won't complain about.
Rawr, being an entire week behind in GG is just frustrating. I see all these promos for Monday's NEW episode and everyone's opinion on last week's episode and I'm thinking, this is not fair! Why did I take that night class, why?! Sigh, it's just going to get worst when Grey's starts.
Okay, I have a semi-hold on my homework right now. I don't feel overly stressed, but I'm still behind in reading. Yeah, what's new? And also I'm kicking myself for not picking up my book. A need a swift kick in the behind. Help me please.
I've decided enough is enough. I'm learning Japanese. Why did I decide Japanese? One major reason, so I don't look entirely idiotic checking out "how to speak Japanese" books from the library. Yeah, checking out a "how to speak Mandarin Chinese" book would just invoke confused looks from the librarians. I was tempted to, considering my family speaks Cantonese and not Mandarin, but stopped myself. I don't want to give people too much joy in their confusion.
I feel like I'm a teenager again. I'm overly excited of the fact that my favorite swimmer is hosting SNL today. Ahhhh, such a teenybopper. Sigh, they should've just put Ryan Lochte on as well and I would've just been off the wall. Yeah, if you haven't noticed already, I'm a huge fan of Phelps. If you just caught on, where have you been?
Well I should really stop being anti-social. I'm off.
gossip girl,
michael phelps,