Back in the Game

Oct 07, 2010 23:00

Yessssss! Hockey is back tomorrow! I'm so excited! And the big game on Saturday. Ah.. I love sports. So excited to see my Red Wings play. Super excited for the game on Saturday. It's going to be awesome.

And I'm back in the game. Love it. I'm excited for Wednesday.

School is such a pain in my hind quarters. I'm only taking 8 credits but all I want to do is cringe and go, "NO MORE!!!" My senioritis is hitting hard again. I'm so close.. yet so far!

I love randomly running into people I haven't seen in forever. Well people that I used to talk to a lot and, sadly, lost connections to. It sucks that life gets in the way, but it happens and you lose contact with people you thought were going to be there. Or there are the people who you know are fully capable of contacting you and don't and they know you have a life full of twists and turns, yet they blame you for not contacting them. Now THAT'S tacky! Gah. I can't stand tacky people. Even people who are physically tacky. That's just gross.

Ah.. I am starting to transition over to my blogger. Check it outz:

Word :)
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