Back to the World of LJ

Sep 05, 2010 23:34

After a semi-hiatus, I'm baaaack! I hopped over to blogger for the summer and now I return back to where I started. I may switch over to blogger and just manage all 3 of my blogs there. I blog too much. Argh.. the blog-o-sphere has taken control of me!

I depressingly miss Fairbanks. I'll be completely honest, I fell in love with the city. I fell in love with my job. I love all the new friends I made. I had the best boss. I learned so much. It was the most valuable experience of my life. I love Alaska. I will always remember my amazing time there. Now I just have to figure out how to get back there...

I personally think I've grown up a lot in the 3 months that I was there. I've changed so much. I have become a much more independent person, but still respect my parents. Tyler definitely instilled some confidence in my life. I realized that I am a chicken and that once I don't think I can do something, I freeze up and just freak out. I want to take initiative in my life. I don't want to be the person standing in the crowd anymore. I've also re-instilled the gotta live life one day at a time and that you can never live in the past. Things that happened in the past happened and you just have to move on and learn from everything.

I've met so many different people over the summer that taught me different things. I guess I can use Tyler's saying in real life... when in doubt, power out. I just have to trudge through the mud and life's stressful situations with my head held high. Things might not go the way I planned, but I have to make the best of everything. Not everything will go my way. I can't do everything...

I did act somewhat boorish this summer though. Okay, super boorish. I was awkward, rude... you know the bubble that says all of the above? Yeah, that's me. I can't take back anything I did; however I don't regret anything I did. I can't regret anything because at one time, that's what I wanted. I still look back at things and go, "that was fun" or "I'm okay with that" because I truly am okay with what I did.

I want the troubles to roll off my back. I find myself sitting outside, staring at the sky. I close my eyes and just take a deep breath. I am home. I am at peace. I remember the first time I did this in Alaska at shotgun qualifications and Darrel going, "you are in Alaska, getting paid to shoot a gun, and you will love this." Now I find myself doing the same at home, except I'm telling myself, "you are in Michigan, you are home.. enjoy yourself."

The plan for the rest of the year? Well enjoy each minute, keep in contact with my Alaskan "imports", finish school, get ready for grad school, and just live life. No one is living vicariously through my anymore. I like that...

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