Nov 05, 2009 23:34
I'm a loser. I got home from work today and switched on Lifetime (AKA the woman's channel). Why? Well I was pre-Greying, duh. People pre-game before college football. Well Grey's Anatomy is like my college football. I need to pre-Grey. And my pre-Grey episode today? The first episode ever. The perfect pre-Grey to a pretty good Grey's episode.
I am a lazy butt. Seriously. I backed up my homework load. The trailer bed to the pick-up truck I like to call homework is now full. I am such a moron. My procrastinating ways have never gone away. Well there goes a weekend.
Now open letters...
Dear person that comes to class 10-20 minutes before it's over, you are distracting. You are coming in at a completely useless time. What are you going to gain from coming in that late? If you are going to be that late, your best bet is to contact someone that is in the class to see what you missed. Also you look stupid for stumbling in that late. You know it's pointless to come in that late, so why bother?
Dear person that car stalks me, do all pedestrians a favor and ASK if we are leaving. I cannot tell you how many countless times I have been car stalked and not be asked. I'm not going to notice you when I'm standing behind my car, digging around in my trunk. I love when you see me close my trunk and lock my doors. I love how you proceed to give me a dirty look. Not my fault I get to school at a time where I can get this spot. All I want you to do is ask me if I'm leaving. If you ask nicely, I will say yes. If you car stalk me, I will most likely sit in my car, then proceed to not leave.
Dear car that is going 55 on the freeway, please use the far right hand lane. Other cars and myself do not appreciate the fact that you are on the lane next to the fast one. You are a road hazard. You are not only risking others, but yourself as well. Plus, I don't like slamming on my breaks because I can't change lanes and you proceed to go even slower. I go with the flow of traffic. Please do the same.
Dear radio stations that play Taylor Swift, the poor girl has more than just 2 songs. And you don't need to play "You Belong to Me" 15 minutes past every single hour. I have the song stuck in my head. Thanks.
Dear 4 professors I have this semester, please note that your class is not the only class I am taking this semester. Thanks.
Dear Facebook, stop changing your news feed. And why am I always logged in? I never checked that option, so please stop assuming I want to be logged in all the time.
Dear legs, please stop being so tired when I try and run. It's extremely inconvenient when I try to go do a workout and you are not complying.
Okay, I think that's all the open letters I can think of at the moment.
Nationals in a week. Hopefully it's not as brutal as Regionals.
Updates later. I can't think anymore!
open letters,
grey's anatomy