Jul 21, 2009 23:15
When reading the newspaper online, I don't want AP to be reporting on the fact that President Obama decided to wear his relaxed, loose-fit jeans over straight leg, tighter fitting jeans. Seriously, AP you are not Vogue. We do not live in an issue of Vogue. Honestly, who cares what the man is wearing!? If he wants to be comfortable, then let the man be comfortable. I wonder though, those who said he looked "frumpy"... have you looked in the mirror lately? Don't criticize someone for something that you might be guilty of too. Sigh.. I guess the news day was slow if I'm reading about Obama's jeans. Really? That's news now? Really AP?
I think mosquitoes are out to get me. Just this morning I got two new bites while sitting at work. The real kicker? I was INDOORS and one got through my jeans. WTF. Seriously, am I that tasty?! I probably will have to start wearing insect repellent everywhere I go. That or carry one of those tiki torches filled with citronella. I sadly am one of those few people that just get mobbed by mosquitoes. Note to you, if I stand really, really close to you, I'm not trying to cop a feel, I am hoping the mosquitoes eat you, not me. If you haven't seen the carnage that is me after mosquito bites, let's just say these few words: red, itchy, puffy, swollen, irritated, hot, and scary looking.
Driving home from work today (the morning session) and, after dodging idiots that like to drive 30mph in a 50mph zone (mind you extremely dangerous when you're coming off an off ramp and other people are barreling at you at high speeds!), saw a not your everyday type of car. Pretty much see a black blob until it's held up by a pickup. Tadahhhh... it's a Maserati. I don't know what model. All I can tell you is it's black and has silver trim ;) Oddly shaped front bumper I must say. Driving through Dearborn sometimes makes me think if I'm driving through California at times (BTW, the Maserati definitely had a Cali license plate). Again driving home from school one day, I see a yellow Lamborghini Murcielago and I beat it off the line. Believe it! My little 2005 silver Mazda3 beat a Lamborghini Murcielago. Okay, I guess I left a HUGE detail off. The guy was driving it at 30mph on Ford Road. He obviously wants to treat that car well.
I don't understand why people complain about a certain fluffy animal jumping on them when they:
A) Don't train it not to jump on you
B) Don't take it for walks
C) Don't play with it
D) Constantly yell/berate it
It's a freaking WORKING dog. Not a lap dog. If you wanted one of those, you should've gotten a Pomeranian or a Maltese. Not an sled pulling puppy. Sigh.. people just really don't understand correct breed placement.
Ugh.. stupid mosquito bites.
president obama,