Dec 04, 2007 20:25
So I know this is partly my fault because its the night before a huge presentation that I have had all semester to prepare and I'm still not finished with my theoretical framework, but I blame my advisor too.
Ok...I apologize because this will make no sense to anyone...
So, I had down that my dependent variable was ratio because I figured it was the total number of Key Votes...and she said I was wrong it was nominal either yes or no. Fine. She convinced me. Until I looked back at the study that I was basing my dependent variable work off of and found that they analyzed it like it was a ratio level variable because they published regression test results instead of cross tabs or Chi-squared. WTF??
So now I want to call my stats professor and ask for expert guidance (I don't trust my advisor anymore), but its 8:30 the night before and I'm afraid that would look bad.
I think I'm gonna go with what the advisor said and if my stats prof questions me on it I'm going to politely blame her...I'm really sick of her anyways so I don't care right now if I do make her look stupid in front of a group...
Except she will grade my stuff. DAMMIT! I have to care...
*off to finish up my paper and prepare notes for tomorrow*
countdown: graduation