i am the definition of slacker

Nov 29, 2003 00:46

i actually live in a den of slack. everything about this house is so draining. you know that feeling that you get when you're not doing anything but you have that dread in the back of your mind because you know there's something you should be doing. i have that. and if i ever opened my textbooks maybe it would go away. like tonight was such a waste. with the whole not going out, so i could study(which clearly i didn't do). my first exam is like 6 days away, and i have so much studying to do. gahhh, i hate this time of year. but i've made the conscious decision to NOT stress about it. because that's all that i ever do, and really me being a crazy stress case isn't going to make my exams any less hard. so tomorrow, no wait, sunday. i'll start studying as much as i can. and we'll just go from there.
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