GREAT weekend!

Aug 08, 2005 23:31

After a lousy week, being sick and all, I had an AMAZING weekend!

On Saturday we had our annual Jedicon, and I had a blast! The fanfilms were great, the speeches and debates were AWESOME, and I had my EXTREME fangirl moment when only myself and another guy in the entire audience knew what exactly the Outbound Flight Project was - since the books were never translated to portuguese, AND the american versions are only occasionaly imported by our bookstores, only few of us have access to the EU - the speaker even joked that he knew we both would knew about it (he knows me and my EU obsession) and that we were the "nerdiest" in the audience because we knew what it was! Then I gave some info about the Dark Nest books, and Aaron Allston writing again about Wedge and the Rogues, and he said that I was their "official Del Rey representative" because I'm always up to date with everything EU books related - or I was, when I had the time for it, now I only get little bits about it. I was actually proud of being the "nerdiest"! Not ashamed! LOL! XD

But the best part were the costumes myself and my boyfriend wore! I have been planning my costume for almost two years, and last year, when I failed to make the helmet and almost went to the Jedicon without it, my boyfriend said that if I waited another year, he would accompany me, and, well...

As our friends said, he must really love me to wear such a costume! ;) XD But he quite enjoyed all he attention and pictures! I will post more during the week, I promise! There is one of him with a little Yoda on his shoulder that is PRICELESS!

And on Sunday, it was even better, if possible! The whole family got together - all my grandparents' sons and daughters, and their children! Well, except two uncles and one cousin. My mother and one of my cousins organized panels with old photographs of my grandparents, my aunts and uncles, and of ourselves as children...everybody brought great home made food (cakes and such) was so great, and fun! I got to catch up with my cousins, whom I rarely see nowadays! Family really is what really matters, you know?

See if you guys can find me! ;)

Today I didn't do much, except obsess over my missing camera - my boyfriend forgot it at Jedicon, but apparently one of our friends who organized the event has it with him - and at night we watched The Island, with two of my favorite hot and yummy actors: Sean Bean, Ewan McGregor and...Ewan Mcgregor! XD

I liked the movie very much, the concept, the visual, the reason why the director must have done it - to make us reflect about clones and genetic engineering. The two scenes I thought most provoking and gut wrenching were the one were they killed a mother just after giving birth, and the Incineration Room scene - quite Nazi, you know? But it worked perfectly with the movie theme.

I loved the scenes with TWO Ewan McGregors, especially with TWO different accents, he is SUCH a great actor! And he and Scarlett Johansson were perfect whenever they had to act like they didn't know what a motorbike was, or a court room...PERFECT!

Only two things bothered me: HOW could have they survived falling from that BUILDING - the one where they were trapped in the letter R? AND what's up with Sean Bean that EVERY SINGLE MOVIE he works (with a few remarkable exceptions) he does a villain that DIES in the end? It's not even funny anymore, it's quite SPOILERISH, you know? Because everytime I go to watch one of his movies, I KNOW his character will die in the end! X|

Oh, before I go, and because she said such nice things about me, I must plug Mollywobbles' LJ! I mean, Patricia's LJ! XD patigwblack! She is our "official" Molly cosplayer, and much more friendly and reasonable than Ootp!Molly! Just don't accept any Snape video she sends your way, or you will be scarred for life! J/k, Pati! THANKS FOR ALL THE HELP WITH THE CAMERA! And all the chat last week, when I was down and sick at home! ;)

Off to bed! I go back to work tomorrow! *groans*


the island, cosplay, jedicon, family

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