Man, has it really been almost a WHOLE year since I posted here regularly??? I'm not even couting the 2 small posts I did on May...
Anyway, HI! Again... :P
I guess I could say life has been hectic - and it has - but not as much as last year or the year before... I just... I dunno, haven't felt like posting here lately. Twitter is quicker nowadays and easier for me to access and post - that's what happens when you have a Blackberry with a twitter client! :P
I should have posted about my two trips though - when I went to CELEBRATION V in August, and now in October when I went to NEW YORK (LOVE THAT CITY!!!) again and then to DISNEY WORLD for the first time in my life - not couting the Last Tour to Endor during CV. :P
Anyway, I have a very strong reason for coming back to LJ though! And no, it isn't related to Harry Potter - thought the fact that in one week from now we will see HARRY POTTER AND THE DEATHLY HALLOWS - PART 1 on movie theaters has finally started to sink in and get me excited for it! :)
NO, actually, what I came to write here about is GLEE related. More especifically last night's episode. It wasn't my favorite episode - don't get me wrong, I liked the episode, it was all right - but one particular twist in the storyline got me hyped. SUPER hyped.
So much that I'm THIS close to writing. FANFIC. Again. And not just any fanfic, but SLASH FANFIC. Which I have only written ONCE before, and it was a very light R/S fic. Hence the R/S icon above. :)
But the story has tighten its grip SO HARD on my brain that I think I won't have a choice but to write it. And it's kinda graphic, which should make me worry and squirm, but it doesn't.
Heck, I think I lost all the naivete and sanity I still had! ;)
Anyway, want to know how that plot bunny sunk its teeth on my brain?
The answer is under this LJ-cut along with my review of last night's Glee episode
I get that this was a themed episode, focused on bullying, but those compromising scenes with Beastie were...weird. And Will's kiss was condescending, like I've read in so many places.
Heck, I have to admit I've been pretty mad with Will's character since last week's Rocky Horror Episode. It was absolutelly unacceptable for a teacher to behave like that and expose his students to material like that JUST BECAUSE HE WAS THROWING A TEMPER TANTRUM OVER A WOMAN HE COULDN'T GET LAID! That was innapropriate and selfish of him. Yes, the music numbers were awesome and Mercedes kicked ass, nevertheless...
But that was last week, and I'm talking about this week.
The storyline that REALLY got to me was Kurt's. I absolutelly love this character. Chris Colfer is an AMAZING actor.
I know how everyone is excited over Blaine - the guy is definitely cute, he sure can sing and dance, and he seems adorable, self-confident (at least in his current private school), and pretty much a cloned version of Kurt. But I just CAN'T see him as Kurt's boyfriend.
On the other hand, we have the jock - who I'd read somewhere would be revealed to be gay - but I certainly wasn't expecting him to kiss Kurt. And *cue Janice's voice* OH - MY - GOD! That was an AWESOME HOT scene - even if innapropriately so because he forced the kiss on Kurt. Kudos for both Chris Colfer and Max Adler for an AMAZING job last night.
And it was THAT scene - with all its nuances, and Mr. Adler's faces during it and on that follow up scene - that had me instantly sold on Kurtofsky, or Kurt/Dave, or Hummel/Karofsky if you will.
Not to mention that I think it's kinda fitting for Kurt, who so actively tried to lure Finn into his arms, and even for a while - although not so forcefully - Sam, to be on this situation. He acted predatory towards Finn, now he is Dave's prey. :P Juicy hunt there, I think.
Also, I vividly remember Ryan Murphy telling us that Kurt's boyfriend would be a FOOTBALL player.
I was so excited over this I actually couldn't sleep last night - and tonight it's already past 4AM and I've a feeling sleep is nowhere closer to me.
I think all this excitement over Chord Overstreet (Sam Evans) and Darren Criss (Blaine) being cast as possible Kurt's love interests were just smoke curtain for Ryan's real plan.
I go SO FAR as to say this has been planned - and planted - since the end of season 1.
I just watched all episodes with Dave Karofsky - well, more like skipped through them looking for scenes with him - and I *think*, with a fair ammount of certainty, that this has been planned since Theatricality.
There were a couple of scenes in that particular episode when Dave and his pal - his name is Azimio, I think - were bullying Finn or Kurt, and all the talking and bad mouthing towards gay people was handled by Azimio, not Dave. AND once or twice Dave got this weird look on his face.
I know, it's farfetched. I DID say I lost by sanity because of this, right?
And that's not the worst (best?) part. I haven't written a fanfic in AGES (not counting that small TBBT ficlet in May, and the only time I wrote a slash fic was a very light R/S slash fic. But since last night I've been having this complete and very heavy NC-17 slash Kurtofsky fic being constructed/written/burned into my mind.
So now I ask you: should I or should I not write down this fic?
*sigh* I feel better. Like 50% better. I guess I will only really calm down once I write that damn fic! XD
And this was a looooong post!