More 100 Weeks

Oct 29, 2016 17:22

I've started pulling in the mini-seasons into the totals. Honestly, I did that when Luna passed away for her "final total" and once it happened once, it became fair game for everyone else.

Precedent is precedent. :)

I don't mind though, the only reason why I didn't count them initially is that since mini-seasons have a donation involved, I didn't want people to think they had to in order to get extra weeks. As is, all of these people were close enough to the edge of breaking to the 100 week mark that it didn't take much to push them over the top.

This is an amazing group of people.

It's also the largest 100 Weeks group to be inducted at the same time! (with a couple more on the edge, so I'm fairly certain at least one more of these is coming before Season 10 kicks off!)

The writers joining the 100 Weeks Club are:



100 weeks, kittenboo

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