Results - Week 5

Jan 18, 2016 21:32

When I announced that there were 4 people leaving this week, what no one else knew was that 2 of them were going to be sacrifices.

Or at least that was the plan.

But the week kept changing and the 2 sacrifices were withdrawn, and another was offered.

So instead of 2 sacrifices that I knew about, we have 1 that I had no clue would be coming.

Sacrificing this week, from the Rivals group is zhent.

Also leaving us this week, from the Rivals are: poppetawoppet and tjoel2.

From the Friends, by an average of less than 1 vote, from Team Raspberry Pi : grail76

That's 4 really talented folks who I personally enjoy having around. So I certainly hope that they will find a way to get back into the game when the time comes!

Until then, I hope they Home Game!

friends and rivals, eliminations, week 5

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