Idol Minor - The Playground - Week 3 - Day 6

Jun 03, 2015 10:00

Now I know how it feels to be one of the "Idol wannabes". This is the amount of traffic they tend to have! :)

I've got to say, it does end up getting to you.

The one good thing is that I also know that this is a really special event, and I hope that those of you who are taking the time to be here have been enjoying it.

I know that I've probably smiled more at the entries than I have in awhile. :D is where the main entries, from the kids are and the Home Game is happening at

For those counting at home - the current entry count is 19,979! Which means only 21 more entries until we hit 20,000!!


How has this week been treating you? Anyone else following the Stanley Cup playoffs? It's pretty big in our house. Mostly because the Lightning are playing for the Cup!

Is anyone out there excited for a mini-season in a few months?

entry count, idol minor, week 3, playground, day 06, season 1

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