I will have to come here and catch up on reading when I can! :)
Umm, looks like not much of anyone is going to see this, but well - I sent one of my Idol stories out to a magazine, and Sunday I got the acceptance letter. :) I didn't even edit it first or anything!
I got tired of my main Seth story being rejected so I was like "Let's try something else", and scored on the first try. :)
Granted, it's a token pay online magazine, but I read an article saying that it was an acceptable market for just starting out. And hey, you need some publishing credits before the higher end markets will pay attention.
Don't downplay it - it's an achievement and you should be rightfully proud! Especially with no extra polish! Yes, add add add to your "published" credits and it will make a difference. Don't forget to flock your entry, if you haven't already!
I friend locked the entry before submitting, no worries.
My plan was to edit it before sending it out again if it was rejected, but then it wasn't so hey. :) Sending it in the first place was very much a yolo I'm done with Seth being rejected let's see if they'll take my other stuff spur of the moment thing.
Umm, looks like not much of anyone is going to see this, but well - I sent one of my Idol stories out to a magazine, and Sunday I got the acceptance letter. :) I didn't even edit it first or anything!
Granted, it's a token pay online magazine, but I read an article saying that it was an acceptable market for just starting out. And hey, you need some publishing credits before the higher end markets will pay attention.
Tell us when it's released so we can hit it!! :)
My plan was to edit it before sending it out again if it was rejected, but then it wasn't so hey. :) Sending it in the first place was very much a yolo I'm done with Seth being rejected let's see if they'll take my other stuff spur of the moment thing.
I will! I think their next issue is in August.
Make sure to let me know so that I can post about it as well.
Speaking of copies though, let me know when it is available so that I can direct people to go buy it!
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