Vote - Week 38

Feb 19, 2015 21:18

A few words from clauderainsrm:

Welcome to Champions Week at LJ Idol!

This week is always special, because it’s when the voters have the chance to see exactly what sort of talent that their potential next Idol is able to inspire to come to bat for them!

It’s also special in that I get to potentially say “Hello” to some new people.

Hello, new people!

Or Potential new people.

In this case, hello some old friends as well!

Welcome to Week 38!

People have wondered how this is going to work, so I’ll spell it out - the vote totals of the contestant and their Champion are going to be added together. The contestant from the Redemption Tribe, and the one from the main tribe, with the lowest totals will be eliminated. (So, a total of 2)

Oh, and while the Redemption and main tribes are open to everyone - the Champions poll is “friends only”, meaning that you need to be a member of the community in order to vote! Fortunately, it’s really easy to join!

The Champions will be locked in a dungeon as soon as this is over. :)

The poll closes Monday, Feb 23rd at 9pm EDT

Good luck to everyone!

Poll LJ Idol, Season 9 , Week 38 - Redemption Tribe

Poll LJ Idol, Season Nine, Week 38

Poll LJ Idol, Season 9, Week 38 - Champions

voting, week 38, season 9

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