Green Room - Week 38 - Day 2

Feb 18, 2015 10:01

One day to go.

Do you know where your Champion is?

If you had to select a Champion, someone to stand for you, in Real Life - who would it be and why?

entry count, green room, week 38, season 9, day 02

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lrig_rorrim February 18 2015, 18:38:59 UTC
I do know where my champion is! Now I just have to finish writing a thing that'll be worth championing... heh...

I would have a hard time choosing a Real Life champion. I think my friend Deanna, who stopped me from flailing yesterday and reminded me that other people are happy to step up for me if I need it, is at the top of the list right at the moment. Asking people for things is hard. And sometimes I have to accept the current theme of things being 'challenges' and do the hard things and get the hell over it. Heh.

It's funny, the double standard I have with regards to asking for things - I think it's just awful to bother people and ohgosh I don't want to impose and it's an awful lot of pressure to put on someone and everyone is so busy and I'd rather just do everything myself so no one else has to worry about it and ugh. While simultaneously thinking that I'd be there in a heartbeat for my friends, or my acquaintances, or even random strangers if they needed me. No complaints, no worries. I think maybe it's time to start getting over that.


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