Results - Week 37

Feb 16, 2015 21:48

I've already mentioned this to the person going - but from here on out, if you WANT me to tell you "which one was you". I will. I can do it in public or private. Honestly, we will probably have more of a discussion if it's in private. I know you people well enough to know that I'm probably going to get follow-up questions. ;) But that's up to you ( Read more... )

week 37, eliminations, season 9

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Comments 33

talon February 17 2015, 02:51:24 UTC
I've loved, I've laughed and cried.
I've had my fill; my share of losing.
And now, as tears subside,
I find it all so amusing.


It's been a lovely trip, ladies and gentlemen. If you don't mind, I have a few words before I depart into the night.

We've been doing this for a long time, you know? By my count, just one month short of a year. Reflect on that for a moment - the vast majority of us have been writing for almost a full year. Add it up, and assuming an average of a thousand words a week (which some of us exceed every week), we've all written more than 40,000 words (some much more!) over this past year, because of Idol. That's an incredible accomplishment in its own right, one that should be recognized ( ... )


kickthehobbit February 17 2015, 02:55:51 UTC
Somehow I knew you'd quote Murrow at the end of this...

You already know what I think about all of this. I'm not going to waste your time on things that I've already said privately.

I will, however, take the liberty of repeating one thing:

Keep writing.

I want to see your name in print someday, perhaps more than I want to see mine. Don't quit now. Take time off, and then write something great.

Remember, you owe me a story. ;)


fodschwazzle February 17 2015, 03:00:22 UTC
You earned your place in this top ten, if anything for making amazing pictures out of your words. This is a writer that can consistently deliver greatness. I want to see something bigger from you. Although your writing often straddles a genre line, the meanings within each piece that you write transcend such parameters. Few words are wasted, and the readers often finish each piece in their dreams.


talon February 17 2015, 21:26:11 UTC
This - especially the last line - made my heart sing. A million thank yous.


kickthehobbit February 17 2015, 02:52:47 UTC we go again...

It always seems to be with a writer (or writers) whose work I like and respect quite a bit, too. Well, crisp_sobriety, welcome to Tribe Redemption. We have cookies cupcakes.

Regarding this week's elimination...

It's never been a secret that talonkarrde88 is a good friend of mine. He's actually the one that convinced me to play Idol again in the first place, after I went, "no, I'm going to have summer interns and my life is going to be Hell and I don't want to do it." He was the "little bird" I posted about when I threw in my lot with everyone else and signed up to play, and while I may say that it was a group effort, the truth is, if he hadn't prodded me to do it, I wouldn't be here ( ... )


hosticle_fifer February 17 2015, 02:58:27 UTC
I have a line of tabs open with funny images I was going to post. Giving me immunity after all that work is downright disrespectful, dammit. And I thought I was gonna escape before Gary made me do the final topic of that batch of six that's been hanging around...!

Just kidding, of course - I am truly gobsmacked. I hope, and will attempt to ensure, that whatever I can yank out of my head in the coming week(s) will be worth that vote.


fodschwazzle February 17 2015, 03:05:35 UTC
It was worth the vote. There were aspects of your piece that could be tighter (were all mystifying plot elements answerable given enough read-throughs?), but I honestly like what you did this week better than everything you've done before it (although it is a change of pace).

Doom may stalk you in the coming weeks, as it will someday stalk every man and woman, but I'm happy to see that you walked out of this one OK.


hosticle_fifer February 17 2015, 03:17:35 UTC
Well, I guess that means my "hope that I wasn't making the secret shenanigans too obvious during the leadup" was a rousing success! :P :D

Of course, ideally the hidden-in-plain-sight plot elements should become clear immediately upon the reveal or at most with a quick second skim, so that was a failing on my part. I'm glad it was well received despite!


hosticle_fifer February 17 2015, 05:53:34 UTC
(Oh, I don't know if you actually care this much, but yes - there were no extraneous details in that story. Mags passes herself cutting out lodestone with her visor tinted, then sideswipes herself coming out of the Materials Dropoff Bay. It isn't actually her mother she almost hits in the road, it's *her* - she looks like her mother when she was younger. Note that when she comes to, she's walking dazedly in the middle of the aisle, just like her "mother" was.

There is only one dorm, and she has never met other interns, because she's the only one. When she cuts through or otherwise harms the black rocks is when she skips time. The obvious increases in Lab 16's wealth (fancy shuttle, deep-space cargo transport) are because they are profiting from the infinite lodestone being generated by Mags' stable time loop.)


jexia February 17 2015, 03:21:00 UTC
Am I the only one who is glad when there's a tie? Keeps people around longer.

if you WANT me to tell you "which one was you". I will.

I don't get what this means.


hosticle_fifer February 17 2015, 03:33:09 UTC
I assume he's talking about the ten pieces of advice he laid out, but didn't specify which was for which contestant. I could be wrong, but that's how I took it.


jexia February 17 2015, 04:34:08 UTC
OHHH. *epiphany*


roina_arwen February 17 2015, 03:33:47 UTC
I'm pretty sure Gary was referring to this:


jexia February 17 2015, 04:51:02 UTC
Has anyone kept a list of entries organised by these topics? My possible champion would like to suss out previous entries on the theme so that he doesn't overlap, and I don't want to just give him all the polls to wade through.

clauderainsrm, have you?


kickthehobbit February 17 2015, 05:31:39 UTC
I haven't, but I know the weeks and I can link to mine:

Intersubjectivity, Week 20

Rapture of the Deep, Week 25

Captcha the Flag and Shibusa, Week 32

Overwatch, Week 37

(leaving me, neatly, with bystander effect :) )


dmousey February 17 2015, 06:05:47 UTC
<---- can't imagine Jen as a bystander. :)


kickthehobbit February 17 2015, 06:13:50 UTC
One of my friends used to joke that I wouldn't be a bystander-I'd either be the one performing first aid or running away from the scene with a book of matches and a can of gasoline in hand...

I get very involved, what can I say? :P

(Arson's not my bag, though. :) )


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