Topic - Week 13

Jun 23, 2014 21:58

It's Week 13.

The superstitious among us are afraid of what is coming.

And the rest are probably also afraid, just because they know Idol! :)

But there's no need to fear.

It's only

OPEN TOPICFor those of you who have never encountered this before - an Open Topic is just what it sounds like. You can write about *anything* you want to write ( Read more... )

week 13, season 9, topic

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Comments 119

fodschwazzle June 24 2014, 09:03:01 UTC
Keeping Time


Hooray for Free Topics! adoptedwriter June 24 2014, 17:09:30 UTC

improper_me June 24 2014, 18:18:39 UTC
Since I am headed to this exact place on Friday, here is another story about my home: What would Brian Marshall do?


shadowwolf13 June 24 2014, 20:59:03 UTC

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