Green Room - Week 19 - Weekend Edition

Sep 28, 2013 00:23

It’s September 28th. Which means “Happy Birthday to fourzoas!

Wait, there was something else. Oh yes,

Happy Birthday to me as well!!

I’m fairly certain that this is the first time that a finale has been taking place over my birthday! Usually I make sure that I don’t have anything Idol related to do around this time. But we have an incredible one going on right now - which has been referred to as one of the best finales in the history of LJ Idol! I’m not going to disagree. Especially since it’s my birthday present! :)

Speaking of presents, if you are so inclined - I do have an Amazon Wish list, and of course there is always pay pal. Why am I mentioning this? Because it’s my birthday, just be glad that I’m not posting an entire page of links! ;)

I hope everyone has a great My Birthday Weekend!!


Another good birthday idea: Tell your friends about the Idol finale! But that's really a present to THEM!


Oh what the heck:

The LJ Idol Store:
and the Amazon list:

weekend edition, exhibit b, week 19, green room

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