Results - Week 1

May 22, 2013 21:23

Week 1 has come to an end, like the slumber of the dead near da Vinci’s house.

Fortunately, unlike those unwitting models, there is a second chance for those leaving the main poll. Literally, a “Second Chance”. They will be joining those who missed the deadline in Second Chance Idol, with their own special poll and topics - where they will getting the chance to fight their way back into the main competition!

Last mini-season, not only did that happen, but one of those people ended up in the finals! So never stop swinging until you are knocked out!

Those leaving us are:


Which isn’t the 8 that were promised, due to a wrinkle that was thrown into motion when dreamwriteremmy decided to use her Immunity to save sarcasmoqueen!

Which means that she was safe from elimination, and the person with the next lowest votes would be eligible.

However, there were more people in that category than there were elimination spots left, so they have been spared. Or rather, “spared for the moment”. More on that next week. :)

exhibit b, week 1, eliminations

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