Green Room - Week 38 - Day 5

Aug 26, 2012 12:25

On one hand, the track of Isaac seems to be moving further west. Which is good (for me). On the other, more and more seems to be closing and there is little doubt that we will be experiencing at the very least tropical storm force winds. (if not more than that)

As if the craziness of the Republican National Convention wasn't enough. (Anyone who has had their city host a Super Bowl/World Cup Championship - they aren't lying when they say a political convention is about four of those combined. We've had both now... I'm sure anyone who has lived through one of them knows what I'm talking about.)

So on top of convention, we have a hurricane coming our way.

Even if the projections don't have it coming right at us, anyone who has experienced an Idol poll knows there is always the strong possibility of it taking a sudden swerve at the last minute and coming right at you!

So, that's what I'm doing today. (Well that and waiting for the True Blood finale!) How are you?

green room, week 38, season 8, day 05

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