Green Room - Week 35 - Day 6

Jul 25, 2012 10:32

We are gathered here today to celebrate our shared Anglo-Saxon heritage!

Even if you don’t have it. That doesn’t mean you can’t celebrate it! Unless of course, you are “too foreign”. Then, of course, you can’t understand or appreciate it!

Maybe you are too busy speaking Spanish in AZ/”being dirty” or not loving your family enough to be heavily armed.

In which case, you won’t understand! You’re probably a socialist who doesn’t know what ‘Merica is all about!

Even if I post a dozen memes on the subject! Geez people - how many memes do we need to post before you “get it”???

Everyone knows that everything written in a meme is 100% Truth!


Another thing that is a 100% Truth is that there is a ton of amazing work in this week’s poll. Literally. I printed it out and weighed it. It read *exactly* a ton!

There is slightly less in the Home Game thread: but that’s only because I printed those out on paper instead of bricks!

green room, season 8, day 06, week 35

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