Consider your audience. Who is it that you are hoping read whatever it is that you have to say? What is this "ideal audience" of yours? Don't say "everybody" because you know realistically that's not going to happen. No author is universally loved.
Or hated for that matter.
Who are you trying to reach, and are you prepared if your actual audience, the people who really seem to enjoy your work, aren't the people you thought they would be?
It's kind of like setting up a restaurant in a hip, up-and-coming neighborhood only to be discovered by broke college students. How do you adapt what you are doing? Do you?
The new topic, for the main competition, is up: ***
I also have a completely different question, sent in by someone who didn't want to post it themselves, for obvious reasons. ;)
"What do you think about alt journals deliberately revealing themselves (or deliberately not doing so) to anyone at any point during the game? If you intersected or beta-read with someone would you want to know that they were an alt, and would you want to know who they were? How would you feel if you found out later that they'd kept their identity from you? Would this answer change depending on the nature of your relationship with that person? "
Considering that this has come up in Idol in previous seasons before, with mixed results, it's certainly interesting to test the pulse of this particular group, since every season and combination of people are going to come to a different conclusion!