I have a feeling that there are going to be a lot of people scratching their heads and/or cursing my name (more so than usual) about this week's topic
http://therealljidol.livejournal.com/525048.html But I feel strongly that an Idol should be someone who knows what is going on in the world around them, and can be moved or somehow inspired by it. What you pick, and how you transform it,can say quite a bit about you as a writer and a person.
So, it's going to be interesting to see what you come up with.
You're on your own this week mentor-wise. But I think you folks have been stepping up to fill that role for each other anyway.
Where do you go for your news? What is the sort of thing you find interesting to read about? How do you think you can use it to transform it, to respond to it, in such a way that is very much your own?