Work Room - Week 10

Jan 13, 2012 01:41

The new topic is up:

One of the many side conversations in yesterday's Green Room brought up something that I personally found interesting. Maybe you will as well.

There was a comment about things someone didn't like in an entry. Which, OK. There are lots of people with all kinds of things that they don't like in an entry. But for some reason there was a mini stampede of people wondering if it was them.

Most of that is a cocktail of insecurity and curiosity. The wanting to be pleased meeting the pleased with themselves when they realize that they didn't commit whatever cardinal sin in someone's Writing Pantheon was being outlined.

The question arose though - What is it about your own work that you are afraid someone is going to comment on, and how do you think you can fix it.

Yeah, I'm pretty much pulling out the innards here and saying "Read your own future"! But you know your tricks and highs/lows. You know what is it you work around and struggle with it.

I guarantee, if you are trying to figure it out, other people are as well.

week 10, work room, season 8

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