Green Room - Week 9 - Day 9

Jan 11, 2012 10:37

In case you missed it, Mitt Romney used his pocket change from the campaign to purchase LJ, and has fired everyone.

Sorry about that.

Here in the corner of the universe known as Idol, we are going to go ahead and get some stuff done regardless, until he comes in and shuts us down, hopefully giving us each our own planet. I don’t know about you, but I’ve always wanted my own planet!

I’m already amassing my army so that as soon as you get them, we will launch a full strike to expand our imaginary territory! Why? Because, much like Civilization, I don’t like it when my neighbors are too close! You should see what happened to the guy in the apartment next door!!!

What am I talking about? You know the suffering that I bring: or think you have an idea of it, it’s kind of cute. ;)

Hopefully you are using whatever time you aren’t looking around for the other shoe to drop, reading, commenting, and sending me your votes! Because there are only so many of you, and every last vote is going to help determine who will - and won’t - make it to next week!

green room, week 9, season 8, day 09

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