The end of the poll. The worst time of the week, because it means that we are losing people.
It's difficult from Week 1 and only gets worse. But I always feel bad with Week 1, because with so many people, it is so easy to get lost in the shuffle, and maybe what didn't quite work out once will have a second wind and take off the next time. You never know.
I said the contestant with the lowest vote totals from each tribe may be eliminated, and I meant it.
Which means that
ashgaelsonariadreamwriteremmyfading_light (tie)
hoyland54 (tie)
iballs2entrails (tie)
littlebit1988mscc6422raynbo0701serve_mantough_doll (tie)
vik_thor (tie)
are absolutely safe. This is a non elimination round.
However, the individuals that I just listed will be given a new lease on life by being moved to the new Tribe 9, and each of them needs to send me a list of 3 other contestants, from any tribe that they want to join them!
They should email me at by Sunday, October 30th at 8pm EDT and let me know their official selections for their new tribe!
Who will they pick? I guess we will have to wait and see! :)