Green Room - Week 25 - Day 2

May 10, 2011 08:29

I had several meta conversations lined up, along the lines of sportsmanship.

One of the main points of that was addressing the people who have (in the past) stomped their feet "No! Unfair!" (usually because their favorite writer has been eliminated "before their time". Not really sure what "before their time is, unless you thought every single writer you liked *is going to win*, then they are going to go out sooner or later!!) and decided to not have anything to do with Idol. This includes *reading their friend's entries* because they happen to be "for Idol". This has never made sense to me. Non-fiction Idol entries are about the lives of the people you claim to like and fiction Idol entries are their creative efforts. You want to NOT read them because of a tag???? Seriously? Because that's what we're talking about. Not coming to the community. Not voting. You are actually saying "I will not READ an Idol entry". When you say that - You've lost any "high ground" to the point that I am doubtful you even know that you fell off the side of the mountain.

People talk about some of the pettiness of the past, the ill will when some people get their egos damaged. They point to the big blow ups, but I think the smaller ones end up as more interesting case studies.

Some have stated that it proves that you shouldn't be "too involved". I say it's closer to meaning "Don't be a complete egotistical asshat" who believes that you are the only one who has the "right" opinion on what people "should like". Obviously, you don't. You have your personal opinion. Which is awesome. You should. But that doesn't mean it's going to translate to other people's experiences.

People are going to be eliminated "before their time". Because "their time" is based on your own judgments. If this was "Gary only" voting, polls would often turn out differently. Why? Because what I like might not be everyone else's opinion! (*sighs longingly* Gary-only voting...) One person might go all the way to the end one season, and get knocked out, oh, say before the Top 25, the next. As a crazy example. That second time though, may have actually had 20 more people than the first! Which is often a factor people ignore.

One of the things I've been encouraged to see this season, is that more and more people seem "to get it". They are disappointed when they don't get as far as they would like/see someone they admire leave. But they get that sooner or later, everyone but one person has to go, and the person who wins, can't come back. That's in there for a reason! So people don't get so focused on the "winning" that they miss out on the experience.

I hope this means that ultimately, there will be less "burn out"s from this season. Right now, that seems to be the case. I hope it continues.

(heh, I was actually going with a "I had these mapped out, but I'm not going to talk about it. . . and then I did! Oops! Oh well! :D It's kind of all over the place, but hopefully there is a point or two somewhere in there!!)

The topic is at and we have a full compliment for Round Two, that should be really interesting.

week 25, season 7, green room, day 02

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