Week 3 - Results

Nov 23, 2010 21:23

Another week brings us to another time to say goodbye.

Every week this is going to get a little more difficult. I was just talking to someone recently about this season and how even their personal "least favorite" of the bunch, still had a lot of talent and even more in the way of potential.

That would be true of any random sampling of Idol contestants - and it's certainly true of the people that we are saying goodbye to today. A couple of them are folks that I've had to say goodbye to in previous seasons and I was personally hoping that I wouldn't have to be doing this quite so soon again.

In every single one of these eliminations, it came down to *less than 4 votes*. So if you are ever unsure if your support matters - it clearly does.

The folks leaving us today are:


You may have noticed that there was not the expected elimination from Tribe 3. That is because micalaux needed to bow out. That "real life" monster has reared it's ugly head once again, taking out someone that I think a lot of people out there had an eye on to see what was coming next.

Hopefully everyone knows this already - but I hope that you will continue to stick around and play the Home Game. You never know what is going to happen next - or when!

season 7, eliminations, week 3

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