Hello TOP 100 (and assorted community members, former players supporters and groupies!*g*)
Yes, in case you missed the announcement late in the Green Room last night - YOU ARE THE TOP 100!!!!
So if you were one of the *many* folks who said that they would be happy just to get to 100 - well, here you are! What's your next goal?
The top half? That's only a couple more people eliminated. Get to the end of this vote and you'll be there!
Want to say you "beat out" *100 people*? That's within sight as well!! (We started with 193 after all!)
The byes, and immunities, end at 75. Which doesn't seem as far off as it did before now does it?
We're heading quickly toward the half-way point of the game time-frame as well! Things should start getting "interesting"!*G*
Remember - the only way you can accomplish any of this is by submitting your entry at:
http://community.livejournal.com/therealljidol/200783.html - so submit your entries and read what else is out there!