emo_snal asked if there was any information about this mini season. Which is funny, because he was the one who inspired it! :)
People pitch ideas all the time for things they want to see in the game. The vast majority of the time, they don't match up with my plans. So I just file them away in my head and let them stew around for awhile. This one has been pitched by a number of people, but if memory serves, he was the one who pitched it the most.
The original idea was along the lines of "Instead of someone being eliminated immediately when they are on the bottom of the polls, why can't they be 1/3 eliminated?" Which seemed a little too much like math for my comfort. ;)
Earlier this year though the thought occurred to me that 1/3 is the same as a strike in baseball.
Because it's me, I added another aspect to it. There are no byes.
For those joining us for the first time, that will mean absolutely nothing. But it's what we called it when someone needed to take the week off from writing, for whatever reason. They would just take one of their "byes" and they remained safe.
Instead, we will have strikes.
For our purposes, a "strike" consists of:
(1) You miss a deadline. That's a strike.
(2) You are on the bottom of the poll, and are eligible for elimination. That's a strike.
3 strikes and you are out.
IMO, it's pretty straightforward. But I also have been doing this long enough to know that my brain doesn't work the same as everyone else's. ;)
In theory, it actually keeps everyone in a little longer. I have no idea how many people will be signing up. So I can't say how long it lasts. I will update this section once we get the final sign up numbers.
If you have questions about this, or anything else, post them here and I'll do my best to answer them!
Please spread the word!