Results - Week 29

Aug 05, 2020 21:21

It's not the result I was expecting to be announcing when I looked at the polls this morning. Or this afternoon. Or really even an hour ago ( Read more... )

week 29, eliminations, season 11

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karmasoup August 6 2020, 01:42:00 UTC
I was really really hoping to survive this week.

I realize this week's story was not as compelling as some I've written, but it was the one that best fit this prompt.

Surviving this week, though, would have represented 100 survived votes for karmasoup, and I hadn't been hoping for reaching that milestone initially, but then it got so close, and looked so promising--just one week away, that I actually dared to hope for a moment.

And top 5 feels like it would have carried more weight than top 6, if I were to maybe try to make something useful out of it, but now I guess I'll have to find out how useful top 6 is, if I can even figure out how to make anything of it at all, and not just keep maintaining the pipe dream of being a professional writer on some unobtainable pedestal.

4 people were trying to vote and couldn't... 2 couldn't figure out how, and 2 missed the deadline... one by seconds. Just as well, though, as one more would have pitted me against my gal dadi, and 2 or more would have sent her packing, and I wouldn't have been okay with that.

I sort of suspected getting immunity last week would bite me later on. That's the way the game is played, I guess. :-/ Competition has always been my least favorite part of this community. At least I won't have to deal with the stress anymore. Polls that go the way watching this one did all day really sort of sap all the joy out of the experience for me, so I'm happy to put that part of it behind me.

Looking forward to cheering the finalists on from the sidelines. ❤


kittenboo August 6 2020, 02:11:52 UTC
I’m so sorry to lose you 😥 I know you will get to 100 next time!


karmasoup August 6 2020, 02:21:39 UTC
Thank you. And, yes, I would only have to survive one vote then, and I'm pretty sure I'm never the worst in the pack at the beginning, so I'm hoping that would be a given, but it will have to wait until next season, whenever that happens... also reaching it then feels a little anticlimactic, but c'est la vie.


kittenboo August 6 2020, 02:27:59 UTC
My 100th week was anti climatic. I didn’t know it was my 100th week and it was me bye-ing out of the competition!


karmasoup August 6 2020, 02:40:51 UTC
This is my own personal milestone... Gary counts byes, so he already recognized my official "100 weeks" by about 11 weeks past, but I was going for 100 votes survived as karmasoup... Gary probably wouldn't even have the capacity to track that, it was just for me. But yeah, if he keeps it going, I imagine it will happen.


encrefloue August 6 2020, 02:14:51 UTC
I imagine that's a highly jarring way to leave the season. I hope the shock of that singular moment doesn't become the true takeaway for you. Game-ification aside, please know that your impactful, earnest, charming, elucidating, and well-wrought pieces have earned the respect of all your peers in this community, and that your voice and your words are very much needed in this world.


karmasoup August 6 2020, 05:13:49 UTC
Thank you very much for your very kind words.

It honestly isn't the first time something like this has happened to me, though the last time it was much more "epic," and involved multiple tribes based on which prompt was chosen... me being the person who doesn't like to do what everyone else is doing, I avoided the most obvious "easy" route like the plague, and ended up competing against only three other people, one of whom ended up winning that whole season, another who I believe made top very small number, and one who was a crowd favorite... we were 4 powerhouses nobody wanted to see going head to head at that stage of the game, because someone was going home, and it would have been far too early for any of us under normal circumstances... it was the one "tribe" that garnished the most votes of any that week, because everyone wanted to weigh in on which of us to keep. In the end, I wasn't the bottom of the 4, but someone had a bouncing immunity that was given to the one who was, and so my fate was decided by one person who wanted to save a friend, and the margin from top to second from bottom to top was pretty lean, just like this week. That stung quite a bit, too, but there's a bittersweet element of knowing what it took to get me out didn't really have anything to do with my writing, so, yeah, I do take that into account, and it makes it better.

I do plan to continue writing, because that fulfills me, and that's why I'm here. I'm hoping to find some venue that removes the "contest" element.* ;-)

*I keep saying that, and I always do have the best intentions to get around to searching for such a thing, but then life happens, and I never do, and someone at some point turned me onto this little incestuous corner of the internet, and it's the devil I know I apparently just can't get enough of, as I've kept coming back to it for the last 12 years! XD


flipflop_diva August 6 2020, 03:52:17 UTC
Awww, I'm so sad to see you go! Last time I checked the poll, I thought you were safe :(

Top 6 is such an accomplishment though - from someone who can't even make the Top 10. You should be proud! You've written some amazing stuff this season!!

And surviving 99 votes is also awesome :) (Have you played under other names in the past? Since you said specifically as karmasoup.)


karmasoup August 6 2020, 04:45:57 UTC
Thank you! Yeah, the poll bounced around a lot today. I pretty much lost my entire day to it, and I'm definitely not going to miss that. I've played under other account names where I was the one doing the writing... misfitmanor is the joint account I share with my husband, and misfitmama17 is me as well, and in both cases, each are clearly identified as me when they are posted, though sometimes mamas_minion would write from our shared account, also, and sometimes it was a collaborative effort. I did one time write as a sockpuppet, but not publicly, so I'm not counting those. I keep a catalog of all my Idol entries, so I could tell you way more than you would ever want to know about what I have and have not accomplished here in the last 12 years, because I'm just that kind of a nerd, but it's just my own personal record I was going for... nothing worth pouting over, just a disappointment to have come so close to reaching only to then have to wave goodbye to making it until another season rolls around. Next time, instead, I'll be focusing on 104, to give me something more fun to look forward to, because 104 represents 52 x 2, or two years of time out of my life given to surviving Idol. ;-)


lyssa027 August 6 2020, 15:45:03 UTC
I'm going to miss you so much. I really enjoyed all of your entries.


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