Green Room - Week 26 - Day 9

Jul 09, 2020 11:29

Happy Almost-Friday ( Read more... )

week 26, green room, season 11, day 09

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viagra July 9 2020, 16:00:27 UTC
Has it been since September, really? With the way this season has been going, I think you might have to start "executive ordering" people out if we hope to end any time before a calendar year has passed. Although, I wouldn't really say no to endless rounds of tiebreakers with this group. Maybe a spin-off where we all just write forever and it's not even a competition anymore but a sort of Justice League of writers, existing as protectors of the LJ world.

I personally am very proud of our state for its continual record-breaking. I'd like to thank my boss, who never let us shut down for even a second, and the one lady that works in my building that stood less than three feet away from me without a mask and told me she had tested positive for COVID. Stay classy, Florida.

It seems very quiet on the home front here. I assume that most of us are taking some relax time; after all, we have all weekend to vote. But it still feels so quiet as far as comments on entries and stuff like that.

I have been spending my day today looking back at LiveJournal entries that my ex-boyfriend wrote 14 years ago and feeling terrible about myself. I'm seriously ready to start an apology tour.


kittenboo July 9 2020, 19:39:28 UTC
Wow about your coworker. I’m in the opposite scenario, I’ve been at home since March and finally went back to work Monday. And no one knows how to act around each other. Like someone needed to use my computer but didn’t know if they should touch my keyboard. I didn’t know either so I typed everything for them.

I agree on the low commenting, perhaps because non current contestants can’t vote, many aren’t reading as well.

And I love the idea of a LJ justice league, I want in on that!


halfshellvenus July 10 2020, 19:42:46 UTC
and the one lady that works in my building that stood less than three feet away from me without a mask and told me she had tested positive for COVID.

OMG! F*** that lady!

That's a terrible combination, having an office that refused to close and coworkers who refuse to even be considerate about not infecting others. What if you had risk factors (which could include just being diabetic, or having asthma)? What if you had an elderly relative or infant living with you, or your husband was immunosuppressed?

Why must people be so "Me, me, me!" all the time? :( :(

You know, if apologies are actually in order, maybe it wouldn't hurt to drop an email? Unless you think that might just re-open the wound for him...


viagra July 10 2020, 19:47:33 UTC
Oof - dropping an e-mail? What a terrifying thought.

I'm actually friends with him on Instagram, and I spent a good chunk of time yesterday with a message open to him, staring at the blinking cursor and not knowing where to start.

I always wonder if the people that used to be in my life still ever think of me the way I seem to constantly think about them. So then I feel like, should I message them, or is that me being self-indulgent again? I mean, it was 14 years ago. Does he even really care?

But then, I don't know. Maybe he would appreciate it. Maybe it would make me feel better. Maybe it wouldn't. At some point I might be brave.


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