Results - Week 22 - Sudden Death Write Off, Round 2

May 26, 2020 21:08

A poll. A tie.
A second poll. A tie.
A third poll... and it is decided by a single vote.

I have no doubt that if the poll had accidentally stayed open one more minute it would have been a tie again.

If it stayed open another 5 - maybe it would have been 1 vote going in the other direction.

Unfortunately though, it does mean that we need to say goodbye/welcome to the Jury to a great writer and an amazing person. (That I was lucky enough to meet in person, back when that was a thing folks did)

furzicle - Thank you for putting out some great work, and being all around terrific this season. You will definitely be missed in the competition, (I had you penciled in for making the Top 10 in almost different scenarios) but hopefully not from the community!

round two, sudden death write off, eliminations, season 11, week 22

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