Results - Week 23

May 24, 2020 19:24

I was getting things ready for Week 23 a couple hours ago, pretty sure that I knew how this was going to end ( Read more... )

sudden death write off, eliminations, season 11

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emo_snal May 24 2020, 23:49:46 UTC
I know you _like_ these run off run offs but I've always felt no one should be eliminated for not being able to write in a 24 hour deadline. Between sleep and work it's entirely possible a participant might not realize they're in it until 18 hours have already clicked by and then they could have plans that evening. We already lost lost_nepenthe to the 24 hour deadline and I really think they were one of the best new up and comers who knocked it out of the park with every entry. I really think you should at least trial fractional elimination in ties during a mini season.


clauderainsrm May 25 2020, 02:08:05 UTC
I'm more likely to bring back The Black Mark (from Pirate Master) which I did use in a previous season to deal with ties.

Although I did recently come up with a way that the fractional elimination might fit a framework I've been playing with. So, who knows...


roina_arwen May 25 2020, 14:01:02 UTC
I vaguely recall the Black Mark - can you remind us about it?


clauderainsrm May 25 2020, 15:28:18 UTC
If you ended up in a tie, you were given the Black Mark. (Well, there were other ways to get it, but for the sake of this example, let's stay on that one. :D)

If you ended up in another tie, the Black Mark was the deciding factor. (Whoever had the most were eliminated. Kind of like the opposite of Gold Stars. Think old school Survivor where ties were decided by who had the most votes against them.)

I'd prefer to let people have a chance to fight it out for survival.


tonithegreat May 25 2020, 23:43:02 UTC
I don’t mind the fast-turnaround deadlines so much in these tie write-offs (although one might smite me, were it to occur during the week), but I see what you mean about the write offs stretching things out a lot towards the beginning of the end of the game.

I’m not sure that fractional voting would solve that problem either, though, because initially more people would survive longer with that, too.


emo_snal May 26 2020, 01:06:42 UTC
I think it would balance out after a few rounds though. I think what would happen is in the first 4-5 rounds there might be no one eliminated at all, but all the bottom vote gettings would be accruing their fractional eliminations and then in the second half dozen rounds these people would start to get knocked out. I think this would be good because no one wants to be eliminated in round 1 or 2, so it would give all these people a chance and in effect by the time you got eliminated you'd probably have tied at the bottom of a poll multiple times so it wouldn't be the result of one bad round but sort of an aggregate. (:


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