Results - Week 21

May 09, 2020 20:30

I said we would be losing between 3-5 contestants this week, and I meant it.

And then, of course, contestant voting gives me a 7-way tie. And yes, one of them was a sacrifice. BUT the precedent is to give that person the chance to fight if they decide to do so. (or honor it by if they decide not to take part in the write off)

The Jury could have also helped solve this problem - but in true Season 11 fashion, they awarded immunity to someone who wasn't in danger. :)

Congratulations to halfshellvenus!

Given that it's a 7-way tie, we are going to go to a good old fashion Sudden Death write Off.

It's an OPEN TOPIC, so write whatever it is that think is good enough to get you to the next round!

The 7 contestants are:


You have until tomorrow, Sunday, May 10th at 9pm EDT to link your entries back to this post! Have fun!

sudden death write off, eliminations, week 21, season 11

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