Green Room - Week 17 - Day 10

Mar 30, 2020 17:46

The poll is up until tomorrow: more... )

week 17, green room, day 10, season 11

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ryl March 30 2020, 23:59:51 UTC
I'll be honest, I haven't been reading much on LJ lately because I just. cannot. take. anymore. talk. about. coronavirus. It's all I hear at work all day--it's all I'm doing at work all day. I'm not on the front lines, but I am manning the radio for the front lines (to use a old world war metaphor). Physician scheduling. All the patients are scared, unsure, and any little cough will get you sent to triage.

Side note: when someone is screening you for COVID, don't get cute with your answers to the questions. It only wastes our time and pisses people off. Keep it to a simple yes or no and we'll all get through it somehow.

And so I skim and rarely comment. This used to be my refuge, but I don't know if it will be much of one until everyone lj-cuts their plague journals so I don't keep getting triggered and anxious. If that sounds harsh, well, I'm triggered and anxious right now. I've never had to take as much anxiety medicine as I have in the last couple of weeks and I'm not even clinical!


tonithegreat March 31 2020, 02:01:38 UTC
I feel really bad for everyone who is pushed into total go mode while half the internet is like, “Oh yay, we all needed to slow down anyway!” I hope you’re able to find some peace.

This actually makes me feel super bad because I got mixed up with some old voicemails on my phone late last week toggling between work calls (on my personal phone- not what I’m used to dealing with) and thought my primary care doc had called me and asked me to call her office. So I returned a message that had already been returned and then was annoyed at the ensuing confusion. And the nurse/scheduler was also obviously somewhat annoyed. I am guessing that she was quite stressed last week too and just wanted to get to the next call.


xo_kizzy_xo March 31 2020, 02:35:48 UTC
I'm getting similar on FB because I have friends there who have immediate family in the medical field. A few of them are now posting under trigger warnings so they don't amp up anyone's anxiety.


hwango March 31 2020, 04:15:26 UTC
I concur - I mostly read for escapism, and when presented over and over with the antithesis of escapism I very quickly give up and go do something else. And then I feel bad about not reading everyone's entries, but...I can only take so much.


karmasoup March 31 2020, 17:25:25 UTC
I got journaling about the pandemic fears in my head out of my system last week (didn't get rid of the concerns... just done with talking about them in public), and resumed my normal habit of sharing fun stories of my life and family this week.


halfshellvenus March 31 2020, 23:17:43 UTC
I totally understand why you feel overwhelmed and just mentally fatigued by all of the COVID stuff.

It's all around you at work, and the atmosphere at work has to be pretty stressful right now.

I'm sorry this is hitting you so hard. :(


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