Results - Week 14 and SC Week 2

Feb 24, 2020 21:34

Both polls are now closed, so we can take that difficult look at the results.

The main competition is a little easier, because everyone eliminated automatically has a chance to move directly to Second Chance, and I hope that they do!

Leaving the main competition are:

The sacrifices: static_abyss, swirlsofblue and zhent

and one who went down fighting: i-love-freddie.


With the Second Chance poll, they aren't as lucky.

Unfortunately, their run is coming to an end.

Leaving us this week are:
and negativecon

Thank you to all of you for fighting to be a part of this season of LJ Idol, and helping to make it special. I hope that we will continue to get to read your work as part of the Home Game - and
that you will stick around to cheer on your favorites!

week 14, second chance, eliminations, week 2, season 11

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