Results - Week 1

Oct 03, 2019 19:24

When the first report of LJ being wonky and cutting off votes came in, I came up with a solution to allow those folks to use a second account to finish voting for everyone. Because it really wasn't going to be impacting anyone if they voted (only if they didn't).

Ditto for the second.

By the time the fourth one came in, I had come up with a different solution.

I've got to admit, I didn't expect that there would be *this* many people trying to vote for everyone. I'm not sure if that speaks more about the individuals or the quality of the Week 1 entries across the board. I'll say probably a little of both.

But since they are doing that - and since the LJ glitch is only allowing them to vote for people at the front of the alphabet and not the end, if they are unable to complete that vote then someone could be eliminated due to those votes not showing up.

All of this is a roundabout way of explaining why I've closed the poll early, and why no one is going home this week.

So congratulations - EVERYONE has survived Week 1.

The week still counted. If you didn't get in your entry, you still used a bye (I know those questions are coming, so I'm getting out ahead of it), the only thing that changed is that no one is being eliminated this week.

I can count the times in the last 13 years where I've had to do this on one hand. But this seemed like it warranted it.

I'll make up for it in the coming weeks. :)

week 1, eliminations, season 11

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